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February 8, 2025
"Japan's Economic Stagnation" - Talk by Professor Hiroaki Richard Watanabe
From: Hiroaki Richard Watanabe <ricardohiro@yahoo.com>
Date: 2025/01/15
"Japan's Economic Stagnation" - Talk by Professor Hiroaki Richard Watanabe
Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, In-person and Zoom
Date: January 22 (Wed)
Time: 4:20-5:50 PM (Japan Time, GMT+9)
Location: Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Campus, Department of International Relations, Koshinkan Building KS305
Format: In-person and Zoom (https://ritsumei-ac-jp.zoom. us/j/98913067040)
Registration: Not required
Language: Japanese/English
In this talk, Professor Watanabe will examine the causes of Japan's economic stagnation since the collapse of the bubble economy in the early 1990s. He will investigate the characteristics of monetary policy - especially that of Abenomics, fiscal policy, and structural reform aimed at enhancing economic efficiency, including digitalization, as well as the role of labor unions in wage determination. This talk will clarify how Abenomics' monetary policy and the interest group politics of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) contributed to the weakening of the Japanese economy and how the LDP's structural reforms have been inadequate in some areas and insufficient in others. Professor Watanabe will also examine how Japanese labor unions have contributed to wage stagnation in the last three decades, compared to the unions in other countries.
Dr. Hiroaki Richard Watanabe is a Professor of international and comparative political economy at the Department of International Relations at Ritsumeikan University.
This talk will be hosted by the International Studies Association of the Department of International Relations, in collaboration with the Institute of International Relations and Area Studies and the Asia-Japan Research Institute at Ritsumeikan University.
Please let me know if and when the above is posted in the SSJ Forum. Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
Hiroaki Richard Watanabe
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