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February 8, 2025
22 January in Yokosuka: Navigating Autonomy: Southeast Asia and Major Power Competition
From: Jeffery Mazziotta <jeffmazziotta@ycaps.org>
Date: 2025/01/13
YCAPS Community Conversations In-Person Seminar
Navigating Autonomy: Southeast Asia and Major Power Competition
22 January 2025, 18:15 (Yokosuka In-Person)
YCAPS is delighted to announce the next event in the Community Conversations seminar series in the Yokosuka community! This event will feature Dr. Sinderpaul Singh, Assistant Director of the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University.
With the new Trump administration in the US, countries in Southeast Asia are increasingly concerned about the shape of US policy towards the region over the next four years. More specifically, there are three concerns as they relate to the region. The first is the perennial concern about US military, economic and diplomatic commitment to Southeast Asia. The second is US policy towards China and the possibility of increasing tensions between the two with possible repercussions for countries in the region. The third is the complexion of US relations with its allies and partners such as India, Australia and Japan as it relates to the security architecture in Asia.
This talk with Dr. Singh will explore all of these issues and more whilst we navigate Southeast Asia and major power competition.
- 18:15-19:00 Refreshments & Networking (food & drinks)
- 19:00-20:15 Presentation and Q&A
- 20:15-20:30 Post Event Conversing
Werk Yokosuka
Japan, 〒238-0006 Kanagawa, Yokosuka
Registration: Optional via this form.
Dr Sinderpal Singh is a senior fellow and assistant director of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS) at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University. He is also the coordinator of the Regional Security Architecture Programme and South Asia Programme at IDSS. His research interests include the international relations of South Asia with a special focus on Indian foreign policy, the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean Region and India-Southeast Asia relations. He is the author of India in South Asia: Domestic Identity Politics and Foreign Policy from Nehru to the BJP (2013) and has published articles in various journals such as Asia Policy, Asian Security, Pacific Affairs, India Review, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, and Contemporary Southeast Asia.
Format: This event will be off-the-record.
Registration: Optional: google form
Moderators: Jeff Mazziotta
Seminar Cost: Free of charge
Approved by ssjmod at 03:51 PM