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January 15, 2025

Podcast Interview on The Contest for Japan's Economic Future

From: RICHARD KATZ <rbkatz@rbkatz.com>
Date: 2024/12/28

I had a wonderful conversation with Tiffany Kayo of Coral Capital, a Japanese Venture Capital firm, regarding my book: The Contest for Japan's Economic Future: Entrepreneurs vs. Giants. She's a first-rate interviewer who brought to the conversation her experiences in the VC world. Coral Capital was founded by James Riney, who's been prominent for years in the Japanese VC world. The passage below shows the topics we covered in case people which to pick and choose what parts most interest them. The podcast can be accessed here, where I've also put a table of contents so you can pick and choose topics if you choose. https://richardkatz.substack.com/p/podcast-interview-on-the-contest


Richard Katz

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