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October 9, 2024
Call for Papers: ASCJ 2025
From: Christopher BONDY <bondy@icu.ac.jp>
Date: 2024/09/26
Call for Papers: ASCJ 2025
The Executive Committee of the Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) invites proposals for panels, roundtables, and individual papers to be presented at the 2025 Asian Studies Conference Japan. Next year's conference will be held on the Yotsuya Campus of Sophia University in late June/early July. Please check the website regularly for an announcement of the conference dates.
As in past years, all presentations are to be delivered in English. Proposals may be submitted online between September 25 and October 31. Results will be announced by late December.
Each participant is allowed to present only one panel or individual paper during the conference. (This restriction applies to co-authored and co-presented papers.) Furthermore, during the conference, presenters may also be the chair of their own panel or of another one, but no presenter should be the discussant for their own panel. Presenters may be the discussant for a different panel.
The forms and further information are available at:
Submission Categories
Panels are proposed by individual scholars around a common subject. A complete panel includes up to five participants (three or four paper presenters and one or more chair/discussants). Panel proposals should include a 250-word (maximum) abstract from each participant as well as a 250-word (maximum) statement that explains the session as a whole. Only complete panels will be considered for acceptance.
Roundtable Sessions are a discussion format centered around a particular topic. This is not a formal paper presentation session. The roundtable should aim at stimulating interaction, debate, and discussion among its participants and those in attendance. A maximum of six active participants is recommended. While a roundtable proposal will not be as detailed as a panel proposal, it should explain fully the purpose, themes or issues, and scope of the session.
Individual papers give scholars an opportunity to participate in the conference even if they are not able to put together a complete panel. Please note, however, that only 8-10 Individual Paper sessions are created each year, hence the acceptance rate is very low. Senior scholars should consider organizing or joining an organized panel proposal. PhD students and early career scholars are encouraged to consider organizing or joining a panel proposal to increase the odds of acceptance on the program. Papers may be co-authored, but only the names of registered participants will appear on the program.
The Executive Committee encourages members to submit proposals that, by focusing on more than one region or by drawing on more than one discipline, will attract a broad range of scholarly interest. Suggestions for innovative alternatives to the panels, individual papers and roundtables described above are also encouraged.
The Executive Committee strongly encourages graduate student participation and it will give favorable consideration to panels that embed students alongside more seasoned scholars.
Since 2014 the ASCJ has awarded the L.B. Grove Graduate Student Paper Prize. For details on this competition please see the "Conference" section of the ASCJ website. To be considered for this prize the student must be enrolled in a degree program at a Japanese university and be accepted as a presenter at the ASCJ 2025 Conference. The deadline for submission of the completed paper is June 15, 2025. The winner will be announced at the time of the keynote lecture.
I and my colleagues on the Executive Committee look forward to seeing you in Tokyo in 2025.
Christian Hess
ASCJ President
Christopher Bondy
Associate Dean of Students
Senior Associate Professor of Sociology
International Christian University (ICU)
3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka,
TOKYO 181-8585, JAPAN
+81 (0)422-33-3171
電話: 0422-33-3171
Approved by ssjmod at 03:55 PM