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July 12, 2024

REMINDER: Call for Papers: German Japanese Studies Conference 2025 (Japanologentag),August 20 - 22, 2025

From: Markus Heckel <heckel@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2024/07/04

Dear SSJ-Forum Members,

this is a kind reminder for the Call for Papers for the German Japanese Studies Conference 2025 (Japanologentag), Section Management and Economics, which will be held in Frankfurt on August 20 - 22, 2025. The deadline for submissions is the July 14, 2024.

Kind regards

Cornelia Storz and Markus Heckel

Dear SSJ-Forum Members,

we are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the German Japanese Studies Conference 2025 (Japanologentag). Please find the detailed information below.

Kind regards

Cornelia Storz and Markus Heckel


Call for Papers

Section: Management & Economics

German Japanese Studies Conference 2025 (Japanologentag)

August 20 - 22, 2025

Goethe University Frankfurt

FIXED Deadline for Submissions: July 14, 2024

The "Management & Economics" section of the German Japanese Studies Conference invites contributions addressing all aspects of the Japanese economy and businesses. We welcome submissions from various perspectives, including economics, Japanese studies, area studies, political economy, institutional approaches, as well as ethnographic and historical approaches. These contributions may explore diverse strategic solutions to economic challenges in various cities, regions, and countries. We are particularly interested in promoting new research methods, such as the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and automated text and visual analyses. We encourage submissions that address the following questions:

  • How have employment policies or programs responded to major societal challenges such as increasing inequalities or digitalization?
  • Are policies and measures in the areas of employment, innovation, entrepreneurship, and digitalization, as well as in monetary and fiscal policy and other macroeconomic issues, shifting towards new paradigms in contemporary times? If so, in what ways and for what reasons is this happening--and with what impacts?
  • How is the topic of sustainability and resilience practiced and assessed in Japan, such as in investment and consumption behavior, corporate strategies, and sustainable finance?
  • How have innovations and entrepreneurship influenced the characteristics of the Japanese capitalism model, or how are they influenced by it?
  • Which institutions influence the emergence of innovation or entrepreneurial ecosystems? What role do social innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship play?
  • How do the management and strategies of companies contribute to solving pressing economic issues?
  • How does the platform economy influence or alter the dynamics of the economic ecosystem in Japan?
  • What new methods exist for analyzing economic dynamics?
  • What current developments are emerging in the areas of monetary and fiscal policy as well as labor market economics?

Additionally, individual contributions or panels with an interdisciplinary and/or transregional focus, as well as submissions that do not directly align with the core questions, are warmly welcomed.

The section will be an integral part of the German Japanese Studies Conference and with panels in both German and English. Please send your topic proposals, including a title and summary (maximum 500 words), by email to the section organisers Cornelia Storz (storz@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de) and Markus Heckel (heckel@dijtokyo.orgno later than July 14, 2024. Any inquiries can be directed to the same email addresses.


-- Dr. Markus Heckel Principal Economist Head of Research Group 'Sustainability and Resilience' German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Joichi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F, 7-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku, 102-0094 Tokyo-- Dr. Markus Heckel Principal Economist Head of Research Group 'Sustainability and Resilience' German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Joichi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F, 7-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku, 102-0094 Tokyo

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