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July 8, 2024
New Modern Japan History Association book prize for books by first-time authors in Japan Studies
From: Nick Kapur <nickkapur@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/06/12
Dear colleagues,
The Modern Japan History Association (mjha.org) is thrilled to announce a brand new annual prize, to be awarded to an outstanding book by a first-time author in the field of Japan Studies.
This prize will be named after noted historian of Japan F. Hilary Conroy and is made possible by generous funding from a donor. The first F. Hilary Conroy First Book Prize will be awarded in early 2025 to a book by a first-time author of a book published in 2023.
The same nomination form is used for both the MJHA Book Prize and the F. Hilary Conroy First Book Prize. Each book needs to be submitted only once for both prizes. Books that have already been submitted to the MJHA Book Prize will automatically be considered for the first book prize; no additional submission is required.
The deadline for the prize is the same as for the MJHA Book prize: June 30, 2024. A direct link to the prize, including submission instructions, is here: https://mjha.org/first-book- prize
Please feel free to share this news widely!
Approved by ssjmod at 05:29 PM