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July 8, 2024

Kobe Migration Research Center - Next Generation Research Exchange (Call for applications) / 研究交流会(募集)- Deadline Jun 24 / 〆切 6月24日

From: Spela Drnovsek Zorko <sdzorko@gmail.com>
Date: 2024/06/12

Dear SSJ-Forum community,

Please see the call below for an upcoming meeting at Kobe University, aimed at early career researchers and graduate students working in migration research and related fields. I would be grateful for your help in spreading the word to any interested colleagues and students. 
(Japanese follows English, participation possible in either language)
(ENGLISH) KoMiReC Next Generation Research Exchange
Are you an early career researcher? Is your research related to migration, borders, or diaspora communities, in any academic discipline? You are warmly invited to participate in the KoMiReC Next Generation research exchange event! We are looking for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who would like to share their interests with other researchers at a similar career stage, in an informal setting at Kobe University. Each person will be asked to give a flash talk (maximum 10 minutes, slides optional) about their research interests, followed by one or two short questions from peers. There will also be opportunities for casual conversation and networking.
The research exchange is planned for 5 July at 17:00-19:30 at Kobe University Tsurukabuto 1st campus. Please register using this form by June 24:
For any inquiries, please email spela@phoenix.kobe-u.ac.jp.
(日本語)KoMiReC 次世代研究者交流会
移住、国境、ディアスポラコミュニティに関する研究を行っている皆様、KoMiReC 次世代研究者交流会にぜひ参加しませんか?
研究者交流会は、7月5日 17:00-19:30  神戸大学鶴甲第1キャンパスで予定されています。参加を希望される方は6月24日までにこちらの応募フォームを通じて登録してください:
お問い合わせは spela@phoenix.kobe-u.ac.jp までお気軽にご連絡ください。

Approved by ssjmod at 05:31 PM