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October 18, 2023
Temple University Japan/ICAS 31 October 2023 at 18:30: Kevin Maher: Changes in Japanese security policy and US expectations
From: Robert Dujarric <robert.dujarric@tuj.temple.edu>
Date: 2023/10/13
The Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University Japan presents:
Recent changes in Japanese security policy and U.S. expectations of Japan going forward
Speaker: Kevin Maher
NMV Consulting, Senior Advisor
31 October 2023 from 18:30-20:00
Temple University Japan Campus
Room 306
Japan's national defense strategy has evolved markedly since the Gulf War in 1990-1991, when security policy restricted Japan from providing anything other than financial and non-military material assistance to the US-led effort against Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Few in the US government expected more from Japan, especially in terms of JSDF participation. As Japan's security policy has changed, particularly the changes to allow exercise of collective self defense and the introduction of counterstrike, so have U.S. expectations of Japan's role in any military conflict in the Asia region changed. How Japan will participate in a Taiwan conflict with China, or in a Korean Peninsula conflict, is an issue the Japanese and U.S. governments will need to coordinate on quickly as Japan stands up its new Permanent Joint Headquarters, and as the US seeks to build a network of capabilities to deter threats from China, North Korea, and Russia. Expectations of Japan are high.
Kevin Maher is a Senior Advisor at NMV Consulting. Kevin joined NMVC after retiring from the US Department of State as a Senior Foreign Service Officer, following a thirty-year career with a focus on Japan and East Asia. Kevin led the State Department's Japan Task Force in the aftermath of the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident. Prior to the, Kevin was Director of the Office of Japan Affairs (2009-2011), and prior to that served 19 years in Japan, including as Consul-General in Okinawa, in Embassy Tokyo as Director for Political-Military Affairs, Minister-Counselor for Environment, Science and Technology, Economic Officer, and as Principal Officer in Fukuoka. He also spent three years in the Pentagon, and one year at the University of Tokyo as a Visiting Associate. His Japanese language book "The Japan That Can't Decide" (決断できない日本) was a best seller in the fall of 2011. NMV Consulting provides strategic advice to several US and Japanese companies.
Robert Dujarric, Temple University Japan
Physical Access:
RSVP is not required
Temple University, Japan Campus
Room 306 (3F)
1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
By train: Sangenjaya Station
Exit South
https://www.tuj.ac.jp/maps/tokyo (English)
All ICAS events are held in English, open to the public, and admission is free.
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