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October 18, 2023
Online Meeting: Technology & Society in Japan (Fri: Nov 03, 2023, VSJF Section)
From: Brucksch, Susanne <brucksch@teikyo-u.ac.jp>
Date: 2023/10/15
Dear members of the SSJ mailing list,
The VSJF Technology Section kindly invites you to the next online meeting on "Technology and Society in Japan" (Fri: Nov 03, 2023, 09:00h-12:30h Berlin // 17:00h-20:30h Tokyo).
This online meeting takes place vis-a-vis the "VSJF Jahrestagung am JDZB Berlin" (Nov 03-05 2023).
Please find all necessary information below.
Warm regards
Cosima Wagner & Susanne Brucksch
Online Workshop "Technology & Society in Japan" (VSJF Technology Section 2023)
Date: November 03, 2023 (Fri), Berlin 9:00 - 12:30 // Tokyo 17:00 - 20:30 (文化の日)
Venue: Online Meeting (a zoom link will be provided shortly before the meeting)
Registration: Please register via technology@vsjf.net
ORGANISERS: Dr Susanne Brucksch (assoc. prof.), Teikyo University
Dr Cosima Wagner, Freie Universität Berlin
SUPPORTER: Assoc. Prof. Naonori Kodate, University College Dublin
Please find further information below and on the VSJF website (https://vsjf.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/vsjf-fg-technik-2023-programme.pdf)
17:00 Tokyo // 09:00 Berlin: GREETINGS and OPENING REMARKS
Cosima Wagner, Freie Universität Berlin
17:10 Tokyo // 09:10 Berlin/Zurich: SESSION A: Reflections on Health Technologies from Denmark
INCENTIVE TALK: Ethical and methodological dilemmas in social science interventions: Careful engagements as composition of telecare services
Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen, Faculty of Health and Social Science, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
Moderator: Susanne Brucksch, Teikyo University
18:15 Tokyo // 10:15 Berlin: SESSION B: Acceptance, User Images and Technology in Japan
Professional Women and Elder Care in Contemporary Japan: Anxiety and the Move Toward Technocare
Anne Aronsson, Yale University
"Social" robots forming sociality? Analysis of relationality in long-term care practices involving robots, a Japanese example
Yuko Tamaki-Welply, EHESS
Analyzing the redistribution of work tasks between humans and robots in the domain of care work. Cases from Germany and Japan
Kevin Wiggert, Technical University Berlin
Moderator: Naonori Kodate, University College Dublin
20:00 Tokyo // 12:00 Berlin SESSION C: OPEN EXCHANGE on the impact of AI and ChatGPT on research and/or teaching of Japanese Studies
Moderator: Cosima Wagner, Freie Universität Berlin
This workshop is kindly supported by:
UCD Centre for Japanese Studies, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland
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