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October 10, 2023
New Issue of Contemporary Japan 35(2) Available Online (apologies for cross-posting)
From: Isaac Gagne <gagne@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2023/10/06
Dear All [with apologies for cross-posting],
We are pleased to announce that the newest issue of Contemporary Japan is now available online:
Volume 35 Issue 2 (Fall 2023)
Volume 35 Issue 2 features a Special Section, two original research articles, and three book reviews. The issue begins with Glenda Roberts' introduction to the Special Section: 'Gender, family and work in the 21st century: Challenges and transformations', followed by three papers examining how transformations in employment and family forms have affected masculinity (a translation of Kimio Ito's recent manuscript, translated by Allison Alexy), young women's life choices (Vincent Mirza), and marital well-being in Japan and France (Glenda Roberts and Hiroko Costantini). The research articles examine the influence of nationalist politics in moral education (Kazuya Fukuoka) and the use and reception on the ground of robotic devices and ICT in healthcare settings (Gabriele Vogt and Anne-Sophie König). The book review section includes Antonia Miserka's review of Susanne Klien's Urban Migrants in Rural Japan, Peter Cave's review of Kaori Okano's Education and social justice in Japan, and Alexandra Hambleton's review of Hoi-yan Yau and Heung-wah Wong's Censorship in Japan.
Please explore the articles through the links below.
Message from the Managing Editor
Isaac Gagné
Special Section: Gender, family and work in the 21st century: Challenges and transformations
Introduction to the Special Section
Glenda S. Roberts
The masculinization of deprivation: Transformations in industrial and labor patterns and the emergence of the Men's Crisis in Japan
Kimio Ito, translated by Allison Alexy
Autonomy and responsibility: Women's life and career choices in urban Japan
Vincent Mirza
The work, family and care nexus in Paris and Tokyo: Gender equality and well-being among urban professionals
Glenda S. Roberts & Hiroko Costantini
Research Articles
Redesigning What is National: The Politics of Education and the New Moral Education Initiative in Globalizing Japan
Kazuya Fukuoka
Robotic devices and ICT in long-term care in Japan: Their potential and limitations from a workplace perspective
Gabriele Vogt & Anne-Sophie L. König
Book Reviews
Urban migrants in rural Japan: Between agency and anomie in a post-growth society, by Susanne Klien, SUNY Press, 2020.
Reviewed by Antonia Miserka
Education and social justice in Japan, by Kaori Okano, Routledge, 2021.
Reviewed by Peter Cave
Censorship in Japan, by Hoi-yan Yau and Heung-wah Wong, Routledge, 2021.
Reviewed by Alexandra Hambleton
We extend an open invitation for all interested scholars to submit their work to Contemporary Japan. We are a Scopus-indexed journal with rolling submissions, a double-blind peer-review process, advanced access (online first) publishing, and language support for non-native English speakers. We also continue to accept proposals for special issues. Instructions for submission can be found here:
We look forward to your readership, submissions, and feedback.
With best wishes,
Isaac Gagné
Managing Editor, Contemporary Japan (me@contemporary-japan.org)
Principal Researcher, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ-Tokyo)
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