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October 31, 2023

Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: "Japan's Quiet Leadership - Reshaping the Indo-Pacific" with Mireya Solis

From: Takashi Kiyoizumi (JFIT) <tkiyoizumi@ucsd.edu>
Date: 2023/10/26

Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego: "Japan's Quiet Leadership - Reshaping the Indo-Pacific" with Mireya Solis
Wed, Nov. 89:00-10:00 am JST (Tue, Nov. 7, 4:00-5:00 pm Pacific)
Japanese audience: Please note the time change due to the end of Daylight-Saving Time in the US
Why has Japan emerged from the "lost decades" unscathed from the populist wave and as a far more consequential actor in the geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific? This conversation will introduce Mireya Solís' new book "Japan's Quiet Leadership," which analyzes Japan's domestic economic and political evolution, its economic statecraft and the array of geopolitical challenges that have triggered a gradual but substantial shift in the country's security profile.
Mireya Solís is director of the Center for East Asia Policy Studies and Knight Chair in Japan Studies at the Brookings Institution, where she specializes in Japanese foreign economic policy, regional integration in East Asia, and U.S. economic statecraft in Asia

Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at GPS, UC San Diego, and the Director of JFIT. Her research focuses on Japan's changing corporate strategies, including business culture, change management, and business organization. Her 2020 book "The Business Reinvention of Japan" analyzes how Japanese companies are responding to the rise of China and the changing global competition.
Register here: 


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