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October 18, 2023

CFP: Japan's Borders - ECR Writing Workshop, Sapporo, Feb 2024

From: Edward Boyle <tedkboyle@gmail.com>
Date: 2023/10/18

Hello All,

We are accepting applications for a Writing Workshop aimed at Early Career Researchers on 21st Century Borders in Japan. The Workshop is specifically aimed at developing for publication research articles and policy papers examining the conceptualization and operation of Japan's borders in a regional context. 

Travel grants are available to support attendance at the Workshop, which will be held at Hokkaido University in Sapporo on the 15-16 February 2024. These are primarily intended for those resident in Japan and neighbouring countries, but applications from further afield will be considered. Note that the provision of travel grants is contingent on the submission of a draft paper one month prior to the Workshop.

The Workshop forms part of Japan's Borders in Globalization project, and is supported by Canada's SSHRC, the University of Victoria, Nichibunken, and Hokkaido University.

The application deadline is Thursday 30 November 2023.

For full details, including how to apply, please see:

Best wishes,


Edward Boyle
Editor, Japan Review

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