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September 28, 2023

Sustain Asia. International Conference on (Un)Sustainable Growth and Environment in Asian Territories * October 10th (Tuesday) & October 11th (Wednesday)

From: Chloé Garrigues Takeuchi <garrigues@mfj.gr.jp>
Date: 2023/09/20

Dear SSJ members,

The French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison franco-japonaise is pleased to invite you to its next symposium, on October 10th (Tuesday) and October 11th (Wednesday). 


 Sustain Asia

International Conference on (Un)Sustainable Growth 

and Environment in Asian Territories

IRN Sustain Asia - Growth and Environment in Asia

 Onsite (French Research Institute on Japan) & Online (Zoom) 


October 10th, 2023 (Tuesday) 
Day 1: Sustain Asia and Anthropocene Studies

9:30-10:00 am - Meet & Greet

10:00-10:45 am - Opening Remarks


  • Didier MARTY-DESSUS, Counsellor for Science and Technology, Embassy of France to Japan
  • Thomas GARCIN, Director, French Research Institute on Japan in Maison Franco-Japonaise
  • Blandine RIPERT, Director, French Institute of Pondicherry 
  • Jacques MALEVAL, Director of the Tokyo Office, French National Centre for Scientific Research


10:45 am-12:30 pm - Session 1: Questioning Anthropocene Studies in Asian Contexts


  • Laÿna DOZ, Project Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) - Conceptualizations of Nature in East and South-East Asia
  • Isabelle GIRAUDOU, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) - Crisis Lawyering and the Search for Alternative Chronotopographies in the Anthropocene-Japan
  • Paul JOBIN, Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) - An East Asian Perspective on Gaiapolitics

Moderator: Adrienne SALA, Assistant Professor, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)

12:00-13:30 pm: Lunch Break  

13:30-15:15 pm - Session 2: Nuclear Issues and Anthropocene Studies in Asia


  • ISHIDA Hidetaka, Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) - The Deluge Comes Up to My Soul: After Fukushima, How to Treat Information on Wastewater?
  • Sophie HOUDART, Senior Research Director, CNRS (Tokyo, Japan) - Closing or Opening up a Space for Disaster Experience: How to Learn from the Fukushima Disaster? An Anthropological Perspective
  • Cécile ASANUMA-BRICE, Senior Researcher, CNRS (Tokyo, Japan) - Post-nuclear Disaster Reconstruction, a Myth? The Consequences of Countryside Villages Projected as a Global Model of Post-Nuclear Accident Resilience.

Moderator: Raphael LANGUILLON, Researcher, French Research Institute on Japan (Tokyo, Japan)

15:15-15:45 pm: Coffee Break


15:45-17:30 pm - Session 3: The Anthropocene City and its Debates in Asia


  • MURASAWA Mahoro, Professor, Ryukoku University (Kyoto, Japan) - On Urbanization and the Academic Turn: Perspectives on the History of Philosophy and Psychological Landscape Studies on 'Secondary Nature'
  • Christoph RUPPRECHT, Associate Professor, Ehime University (Matsuyama, Japan) - Sustainable Multispecies Cities: Concepts, Experiments, Visions
  • Andrea FLORES-URUSHIMA, Lecturer, Kyoto Seika University (Kyoto, Japan) - Debating Geodiversity and the Geomorphological Legacies of the Anthropocene City in Asia with a Focus on the Postwar Japanese Urbanization

Moderator: Raphael LANGUILLON, Researcher, French Research Institute on Japan (Tokyo, Japan)

18:30-20:30 pm: Dinner

Official address: Charles-Henri BROSSEAU, Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of France to Japan (Tokyo, Japan) - To be confirmed


October 11th, 2023 (Wednesday)
Day 2: Sustainable Issues in Asian Territories

8:00-8:30 am - Meet & Greet 

8:30-10:15 pm - Session 4: Cross-Sectoral Interactions for the Management of Environmental Resources: from Predatory to Enabling Schemes


  • Gabriel FACAL, Deputy Director, UMIFRE IRASEC (Bangkok, Thailand) - Cross Sectoral Dialogue as Condition for Popular Sovereignty? Successes and Obstacles in the Kanekes Indonesian Indigenous Society
  • Ratih Madya SEPTIANA, Lecturer, Gadjah Mada University (Jogjakarta, Indonesia) - Social Forestry in Indonesia: Opening the Community Forest Access and Management
  • Takahiro FUJIWARA, Associate Professor, Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan) - Implications of Japan's Forest Management for Social Forestry in Tropical Countries
  • Hermine XHAUFLAIR, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines Diliman (Manila, Philippines) - Archaeology as a Tool to Explore the Sustainability of Forest Exploitation Practices

Moderator: Dianto BACHRIADI, Professor, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (Kyoto, Japan)

10:15-10:45 am: Coffee Break


10:45-12:30 pm - Session 5: Infectious Diseases in the Anthropocene


  • KASUGA Fumiko, Professor, University of Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Japan) - Planetary Health. Holistic Views on Global Environment and Health
  • Vanina GUERNIER, Senior Researcher, IRD (Bangkok, Thailand) - Eco-Epidemiology of Bacterial Diseases in a One Health Perspective
  • MATSUNO Keita, Professor, Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan) - Ticks and Tick-borne Infections Re-emergence in Asia 
  • Bertrand LEFEBVRE, Researcher, IFP (Pondicherry, India) - Modelling Arboviral Outbreaks for Prevention in Thailand

Moderator: KASUGA Fumiko, Professor, University of Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Japan)

12:30-14:00 pm: Lunch Break  


14:00-15:45 pm - Session 6: Governing Air Quality in Asia


  • Olivier EVRARD, Senior Researcher, IRD PALOC (Bangkok, Thailand) - From "Smoky Season" to "Haze Crisis": Narratives of Seasonal Air Pollution in Northern Thailand
  • Sarath GUTTIKUNDA, Director, Urban Emissions (Goa, India) - Air Quality Surveillance and Monitoring in India
  • Do VAN NGYUET, Director, Live and Learn for Environment and Community of Hanoi (Hanoi, Vietnam) - Collective Actions for Clean Air in Hanoi
  • Bertrand LEFEBVRE, Researcher, IFP (Pondicherry, India) - Governing Air Quality in Indian Cities: Perspectives from Hyderabad and Pune

Moderator: Rémi DE BERCEGOL, Researcher, IFP PRODIG (Pondicherry, India) 


15:45-16:30 pm - Session 7: Discussion and Perspectives About the Sustain Asia Program

Moderator: Blandine RIPERT, Director, French Institute of Pondicherry (Pondicherry, India)


This event will be held in the room 601 (6th floor) of the French Research Institue on Japan at Maison franco-japonaise 

and online (on Zoom). Participation is free but registration is required.

October 10th, 2023 (Tuesday) 
Day 1: Sustain Asia and Anthropocene Studies

Please apply via our website to assist on site: https://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2023/10/10/2023-10-10_sustain_asia/

To attend online (Zoom): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ylI_-NU6TiGRqlE5tV1lYQ#/registration



October 11th, 2023 (Wednesday)
Day 2: Sustainable Issues in Asian Territories

Please apply via our website to assist on site: https://www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2023/10/11/2023-10-11_sustain_asia/

To attend online (Zoom): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zGYUEvyaTbmGjn1qWpLRzQ#/registration


Room 601
Institut français de recherche sur le Japon (6F)
Maison franco-japonaise 
3-9-25 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku
150-0013 Tokyo, Japan

Approved by ssjmod at 12:33 PM