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September 20, 2023
Hiring part-time lecturers (ILA, Doshisha University)
From: Jennifer McGuire <jennifer.mcguire22@gmail.com>
Date: 2023/09/20
Dear members of SSJ-Forum,
With apologies for cross-posting.
The Institute for the Liberal Arts (ILA) at Doshisha University in Kyoto is hiring part-time lecturers for the following courses for the 2024 academic year.
Please refer to the JREC-IN ads below for details. Feel free to circulate.
Best regards,
Best regards,
Jennifer M. McGuire (DPhil, Anthropology, Oxon)
Associate Professor | Institute for the Liberal Arts
Doshisha University
============================== =====================
Introduction to Kyoto
Mass Media in the Policymaking Process
Introduction to Japanese Law
Industry and Corporation in Kyoto
Corporate Strategy and Organization
Doshisha and Christianity
Library Research Skills
International Business Communication
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