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May 25, 2023

Deadline reminder: EJARN conference 2023 Lund University

From: Paul O'Shea <paul.m.oshea@gmail.com>
Date: 2023/05/19

Dear Forum members,

The European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) will hold its 2023 annual conference entitled "EU-Japan Relations: The Implications of the Ukraine War for EU-Japan Relationsat Centre of East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University on the 15th - 16th September. 

While the theme is the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on EU-Japan relations, as always, the conference is open to papers on various aspects of Japan and the international society.

Please note the approaching deadline, 1st June. 
We look forward to seeing you in Lund!
Best wishes,
Paul O'Shea
Senior Lecturer 
Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies
Lund University
The European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) will hold its 2023 annual conference entitled "EU-Japan Relations: The Implications of the Ukraine War for EU-Japan Relations" in Lund, Sweden, on 15-16th September.
The conference aims at bringing together academics, government officials and business representatives for in-depth discussions on the bilateral EU-Japan relations such as the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) as well as the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA). The conference focuses on EU-Japan cooperation in wide areas of social sciences such as: trade, energy security, connectivity, climate change, cyber security, aid and international relations.
The outbreak of war in Europe has had dramatic impacts on the foreign and security policy of individual European states and the EU. However, since February 24, Japan has also been active in supporting Ukraine and working closely with its Western partners. Prime Minister Kishida even attended NATO meetings. Japan-Europe relations have never been closer.  Seizing this highpoint in Europe-Japan relations, the conference will analyze the prospects and realities of Europe-Japan cooperation in an era of geopolitical turmoil.
We also invite papers within the broader spectrum of social science on EU-Japan relations in a changing international environment as well as papers on various aspects of Japan and the international society.
If you are interested in participating, please send an abstract (max. 500 words) of your paper to paul.oshea@ace.lu.se no later than 1st June.
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or need further information.
EJARN has applied for funding for the conference, if secured the priority will be given to those presenting papers.

Approved by ssjmod at 10:16 AM