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April 27, 2023

May 10 - WSJ Future Leaders Seminar: Data and Security as the U.S. and China Face Off - A Conversation with Keio University

From: Cherry Wong <cherry.wong@keio.jp>
Date: 2023/04/25

Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI) aims to promote international research and educational exchange and invites those working in the forefront of research and education in Japan and overseas to join our virtual seminar.

This time, we are honoured to invite a former Cabinet Minister, joined by experts from The Wall Street Journal and Keio University to share their thoughts on data security.

Wall Street Journal's Future Leaders Seminar: Data and Security as the U.S. and China Face Off - A Conversation with Keio University

Date & Time: Thursday, May 10, 2023 | 18:30-19:30 JST
Format: Zoom
Language: English
Registration: Click here to register

As tensions escalate between the U.S. and China, data security is a hot-button issue. Some in the U.S. are banning Chinese-developed TikTok from government devices, citing security concerns. The emergence of powerful artificial-intelligence programs suggests that whoever controls the most data may control the future of business. Mutual suspicion is rising, along with efforts to restrict the transfer of any technology deemed sensitive.

How should Japan and other Asian countries navigate the heightened tensions? Is Japan doing enough to protect its own data and respond to intrusions? Can countries build rules of the road that would limit the mistrust and allow data to be used for the common good? Join the experts at Keio University and The Wall Street Journal for a timely discussion.

1. Karen Makishima
Member of the Japanese House of Representatives
2. Jiro Kokuryo
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
3. Josh Chin
Deputy Bureau Chief, China, The Wall Street Journal
Moderator: Peter Landers
Tokyo Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal

For more information about the event: 


 Cherry WONG | ウォン・チェリー
 KGRI, Keio University |  慶應義塾大学 グローバルリサーチインスティテュート

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