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March 28, 2023

Temple University Japan 24 April 2023 at 19:00 China after Covid and Xi's reelection with Valérie Niquet

From: Robert Dujarric <robert.dujarric@tuj.temple.edu>
Date: 2023/03/25

Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University Japan Presents

China after Covid and Xi's reelection

24 April 2023 19:00-20:30    

Valérie Niquet

Robert Dujarric


The past few years have been particularly challenging for the Chinese Communist Party. After draconian restrictions, it pivoted radically from its Zero Covid policy. Its only significant ally, Russia, failed in its attempt to destroy Ukraine. Hostility towards China is the only bipartisan consensus left in the United States. To better understand these issues, we will have a conversation followed by a Q&A session with Valérie Niquet.

Temple University Japan (Room 306)
1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

RSVP not required (icas@tuj.temple.edu with any questions or reply to this email)

Speaker Profile

Valerie Niquet, is Head of the Asia department at FRS (Fondation pour la recherche stratégique), and non-resident senior fellow at the Japan Institute for International Affairs (JIIA). She was a lecturer at Keio University (Tokyo), where she taught the history and politics of Sino-Japanese relations, from 2014 to 2021.She has published extensively on strategic issues in Asia as well as on the evolutions of the Chinese political system. Her latest publications include La Chine en 100 questions (Tallandier, 2021) and Taiwan face à la Chine, (Tallandier, 2022). She is also the author of a translation and essays of Sun Tzu's Art of War (Économica, 2011).

Moderator Profile

Robert Dujarric is Co-Director of TUJ's Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies (ICAS). He worked in banking in the US, Europe and Asia, prior to joining a think tank in Washington in 1993. He moved to Tokyo in 2004 as a Council on Foreign Relations (Hitachi) International Affairs Fellow, joining TUJ in 2007. He is a Harvard College graduate, holds an MBA from Yale University, and is the author and editor of several books.
Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies
Temple University, Japan Campus

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