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March 6, 2023

public colloquium: Dan White (Mar 8)

From: Kathryn Goldfarb <kathryn.goldfarb@gmail.com>
Date: 2023/03/02

Dear all,

You are invited to join for this public lecture through my Anthropology of Japan class at the University of Colorado Boulder. Please register in advance!



Public lecture: Wed, March 8

11:15am-12:05pm MT, on Zoom

Register in advance: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqd-Ctqj8oHtGyftjtXdpquyHVIBhab40s


"Automating Affect"

Dr. Daniel White

Senior Research Associate, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge


What is an affect automated? This lecture situates discussions on affect, emotion, and technology in anthropology in the context of contemporary Japan. It asks what happens to the culturally specific dimensions of affective experience when it is 1) formulated as a theory, 2) modeled in a machine, and 3) used as a technological tool to collect data and interpret human behavior. The lecture will explore this question through examples of social robots in Japan with so-called artificial emotional intelligence. It will then use these examples to examine how hierarchies of state power and gender are reproduced through algorithmic embodiments.


For further information, email: kathryn.goldfarb@colorado.edu

This event is free and open to the public

Supported by the Center for Asian Studies, University of Colorado

Kathryn E. Goldfarb
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
University of Colorado at Boulder
1350 Pleasant St.
Boulder, CO 80309
Hale Science 350 | Campus Box 233 UCB
Office: Hale Science 466
Office phone: 303.492.1589

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