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March 7, 2023

EJARN conference 2023 The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and its impact on Japan

From: Paul O'shea <paul.oshea@ace.lu.se>
Date: 2023/03/06

The European Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN) will hold its 2023 annual conference entitled "EU-Japan Relations: The Implications of the Ukraine War for EU-Japan Relations" at Centre of East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University on the 15th - 16th September.
You will find the call for papers below. While the theme is the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on EU-Japan relations, as always, the conference is open to papers on various aspects of Japan and the international society.
Look forward to seeing you in Sweden in September,
Best wishes,
Paul O'Shea
Senior Lecturer 
Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies
Lund University

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