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February 3, 2023

"Impact of Floods on Real Economy, Land Prices, and Financial Intermediation in Japan" - Friday Feb. 3rd 12:30 - 14:00 (JST) - Online

From: Chloé Garrigues Takeuchi <garrigues@mfj.gr.jp>
Date: 2023/01/25

Dear SSJ members,

The French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison-franco-japonaise is pleased to invite you to its next conference.

Impact of Floods on Real Economy, Land Prices, and Financial Intermediation in Japan

Friday February 3rd / 12:30 - 14:00 (JST) 
Online Lunch Seminar
Nao SUDO (Bank of Japan)

Lunch Seminar on Japanese Economy and Society
Japan has historically been plagued by floods. In recent years as well, there have been a series of large-scale floods that have caused direct damage in excess of JPY 1 trillion to tangible fixed assets nationwide. We combine the granular data on flood damage and land prices with macroeconomic variables to quantitatively assess the indirect impacts, i.e., secondary impacts of the direct effects, of floods on economic activity, land prices and financial intermediation. We also present tentative projections on how floods will affect economic activity in the future, using climate change estimates from an external organization.

Speaker: Nao SUDO (Bank of Japan)
Nao Sudo is the Head of Economic and Financial Studies Division, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan. His Division is responsible for research on broad issues of economics and finance. Prior to his current role, he was the head of Financial System Research Division at Financial System and Bank Examination Department. Nao Sudo was born in 1977. He studied economics in Kyoto and Boston and holds a PhD by Boston University.
Organization: FRIJ-MFJ. Co-organization: CCI France Japon. Support: French Embassy in Japan.

How to attend the Lunch Seminar? This event will be held in the room 601 (6th floor) of the French Research Institue on Japan at Maison franco-japonaise. The lecture will be simultaneously streamed on Zoom. Participation in the Lunch Seminar is free but registration is required.
Online: please register directly on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2l5svQC2QEKUxB-IPi1Yhw
Onsite: please apply via our website: www.mfj.gr.jp/agenda/2023/02/03/sudo/

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