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February 21, 2023
Event in recognition of International Women's Day: "Women in STEM" on March 1st, 2023, (22:00 JST / 8:00 EST/ 14:00 CET)
From: Luise Kahlow <kahlow@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2023/02/16
Dear List Members,
in behalf of the Kekst CNC Tokyo Office, the DIJ Tokyo forwards the following information on an upcoming event:
The Kekst CNC Tokyo Office has been supporting the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) of Japan. As one of the priority topics of the Japanese government is promoting gender equality, we are organizing a free webinar on their behalf titled "Women in STEM" on March 1st, 2023, (22:00 JST / 8:00 EST/ 14:00 CET) in recognition of International Women's Day.
We would like to invite you to attend this online event which will gather high profile international speakers from organizations such as MIT and UNICEF, who will discuss probable causes of lower participation of women in STEM (both in education and in the labor market), as well as share their knowledge on current initiatives, and propose initial recommendations to address these challenges.
This webinar welcomes audiences from all over the world, including businesspeople, researchers / scholars, policy makers and students. It will have a Q&A session, providing an opportunity for the audience to ask questions directly to the panelists.
Please find attached the press release for the webinar details. We sincerely would appreciate it if you could register and join us. Please feel free to forward the invitation and press release to any of your contacts that you would deem to be interested in this topic.
To register, kindly click the link below:
The press release is also attached (including a link to register).
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Kekst CNC Tokyo Office
Approved by ssjmod at 11:32 AM