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January 19, 2023

Seminar, Sasebo 31 Jan, Hatekayama, The Japan-U.S. Alliance and the Senkaku Islands: A Source of Conflict or Strategically Important?

From: John Bradford <johnfbradford@gmail.com>
Date: 2023/01/17

SSJ Friends,

  You are all invited to this seminar in Yokosuka.


Best regards,

John Bradford


YCAPS-SPF Community Conversations In-Person Seminar
The Japan-U.S. Alliance and the Senkaku Islands: A Source of Conflict or Strategically Important?
31 January 2023, 17:30 (Sasebo In-Person)

YCAPS & the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are pleased to announce the next event in the Community Conversations seminar series focused on the Sasebo Community! This event will feature Dr. Kyoko Hatakeyama, of the University of Niigata who will lead us in a discussion around the importance and volatility of the Senkaku Islands.

The Japan-US alliance is facing a new challenge: China's growing military presence in the maritime domain. China's assertiveness challenges the current regional order and Japan's territory--the Senkaku Islands. Examining the impacts of the Senkaku issue on the

alliance, Dr. Hatakeyama will argue that the Senkaku islands are strategically important for the alliance but are also a source of conflict.


  • 18:30-19:00 Welcome Reception (food & drinks)
  • 19:00-20:15 Seminar and Q&A


6-1 Tokiwacho, Sasebo, Nagasaki 857-0053
857-0053 長崎県佐世保市常盤町6−1

Google Map

*IMPORTANT* This event will be an In-Person Seminar. Please note that during the seminar, all attendees, presenters and staff are required to wear a face mask due to health and safety policies. *During the socializing time before the lecture begins, masks may be removed while eating and drinking but we request that when you are not eating and drinking, please keep your face mask on. Additionally please refrain from attending if you have Flu-like symptoms. All attendees will be asked to sign in for the purposes of contact tracing. Thank you for keeping this event safe for everyone.


Kyoko Hatakeyama is Professor of International Relations at Graduate School of International Studies and Regional development, University of Niigata Prefecture. Her research interests include Japan's foreign and security policy, international relations in Asia, and International relations theory. She is the author of Japan's Evolving Security Policy: Militarization within a Pacifist Tradition, Routledge, 2021.

Format: This event will be off-the-record.

RegistrationGoogle form : filling out helps us have an accurate number for food, beverages, and seating.
Moderators: Jeff Mazziotta

Co-Sponsor: Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Seminar Cost: Free of charge

Approved by ssjmod at 10:43 AM