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January 19, 2023

25 Jan, seminar in Yokosuka: China's Quest for Control of the Cognitive Domain and Grey Zone Situations

From: John Bradford <johnfbradford@gmail.com>
Date: 2023/01/17

SSJ Friends,
  You are all invited to this seminar in Yokosuka.
Best regards,
John Bradford
YCAPS-SPF Community Conversations In-Person Seminar
China's Quest for Control of the Cognitive Domain and Grey Zone Situations
25 January 2023, 17:30 (Yokosuka In-Person)

YCAPS & the Sasakawa Peace Foundation are pleased to announce the next event in the Community Conversations seminar series focused on the Yokosuka Community! This event will feature Dr. Shinji Yamaguchi of the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) will help us to understand this important regional concern and what it means for the future.

How is China conducting cognitive domain operations and maritime gray zone operations? China has utilized non-military means such as psychological warfare and maritime paramilitary forces to achieve strategic and tactical goals. Most notably, the Xi regime has enhanced the use of such means through sweeping organizational reforms. Understanding these actions will provide a clearer view of the strategic challenges posed by China.


  • 17:30-18:30 Refreshments & Networking (food & drinks)
  • 18:30-20:00 Presentation and Q&A


Werk Yokosuka
Japan, 〒238-0006 Kanagawa, Yokosuka


Google Map

 You can let us know if you will/may attend by entering your name and email into this google form

*IMPORTANT* This event will be an In-Person Seminar. Please note that during the seminar, all attendees, presenters and staff are required to wear a face mask due to health and safety policies. *During the socializing time before the lecture begins, masks may be removed while eating and drinking but we request that when you are not eating and drinking, please keep your face mask on. Additionally please refrain from attending if you have Flu-like symptoms. All attendees will be asked to sign in for the purposes of contact tracing. Thank you for keeping this event safe for everyone.



Shinji Yamaguchi is a Senior Research Fellow of the Regional Studies Department of the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defense, Japan, located in Tokyo, and was a Visiting Scholar of the Sigur Center for Asian Studies of George Washington University. He specializes in Chinese politics, China's security policy, and contemporary Chinese history. He earned his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Keio University. His publications include 毛沢東の強国化戦略 (Mao's Grand Strategy to Strengthen the Country) which wins the Grand- Prix of the 34th Asia Pacific Award by Mainichi Shinbun, and "Strategies of China's Maritime Actors in the South China Sea: A Coordinated Plan under the Leadership of Xi Jinping?" China Perspective, 2016 No.3, (October 2016), pp.23-31. He is a co-author of the NIDS China Security Report 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2023.

Format: This event will be off-the-record.

RegistrationGoogle form: filling out helps us have an accurate number for food, beverages, and seating.
Moderators: Jeff Mazziotta

Co-Sponsor: Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Seminar Cost: Free of charge

Approved by ssjmod at 10:42 AM