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December 22, 2022
UNU Event Invite - 20 December 2022
From: Takagi, Lisa <lisamari.takagi@unu.edu>
Date: 2022/12/15
Dear members of the SSJ-Forum,
The United Nations University cordially invites you to an upcoming event.
We would like to share information about the next installation "BIG IDEAS: SDGS Dialogue Series", hosted by our Senior Vice-Rector, Dr. Sawako Shirahase:
"Internal Displacement at a Crossroads: Quo Vadis"
Date/Time: 20 Dec (Tue) 18:00-19:00 JST
Guest: Atty. Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, former UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons
Format: Online via Zoom webinar
Language: English only
Registration: Advance registration required (by 19 Dec)
ENG: https://unu.edu/events/upcoming/internal-displacement-at-a-crossroads-quo-vadis-a-big-ideas-dialogue-with-atty-cecilia-jimenez-damary.html
Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you at the event.
Best Regards,
Lisa Takagi
Lisa Mari Takagi (高木梨早)
Japan Outreach Coordinator/広報・メディア コーディネーター担当
United Nations University /国連大学
Email: lisamari.takagi@unu.edu
URL: https://jp.unu.edu
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