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December 22, 2022
Call for the ICAS Book Prize (IBP) 2023 Japanese Language Edition
From: Aysun UYAR <auyar@mail.doshisha.ac.jp>
Date: 2022/12/19
To the Secretariat of SSJ-Forum,
I hope this message finds you well.
My name is Aysun UYAR MAKIBAYASHI. I am an associate professor at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and acting secretary of the ICAS Book Prize 2023 Japanese Language Edition. I would like to share our call for the coming ICAS Book Prize in Japanese and would appreciate if you could share below call with your members.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this message finds you all well.
My name is Aysun UYAR MAKIBAYASHI. I am an associate professor at Doshisha University (Kyoto, Japan) and acting secretary of the ICAS Book Prize 2023 Japanese Language Edition.
I would like to inform you about the call for the ICAS Book Prize. ICAS (International Convention of Asian Scholars) is a biannual convention organized by IIAS (International Institute for Asian Studies, based in Leiden University, https://www.iias.asia/), since 1998. ICAS Book Prize was initiated in 2003 to support academic publications in the field of Asian studies. Since then, the same prize has been extended to Asia-related publications in French, German, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
After our inauguration during the 12th ICAS in Kyoto in 2021, we are now happy to announce that the 2023 ICAS Book Prize Japanese Language Edition is jointly organized by ICAS and IDE-JETRO (Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization). We would then like to invite all of you to consider submitting your academic publications for this exclusive prize.
Please refer to the following link for further information on submission and submission rules (https://icas.asia/ja/ibp-2023-japanese-language-edition). Also, please note that your work can only be submitted by your publisher and our deadline is February 1.
I will be happy to answer any question about the book prize. Lastly, I will also be happy if you could spread the word within your academic circles.
With kind regards,
Aysun Uyar Makibayashi (ウヤル槙林 アイスン)
Acting Secretary
IBP 2023 Japanese Language Edition Secretariat
Approved by ssjmod at 12:15 PM