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November 11, 2022

DIJ Generation Z and sustainable consumption on Nov 24

From: Markus Heckel <heckel@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2022/11/10

Dear members of the list,

you are cordially invited to the next talk of the BESG Lecture Series at the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo.

Registration for this online event is required until November 23 at heckel@dijtokyo.org

Log-in data will be provided after registration.

November 24, 2022, 18:30h (JST), 10:30h (German time)
Generation Z and sustainable consumption - results from interviews and a comparative online survey in Japan and Germany
Carsten Herbes, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany

Private consumption accounts for a significant share of the environmental and social impact of human activities, such as the depletion of natural resources or greenhouse gas emissions. Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns is one of the UN sustainable development goals (SDG 12). Therefore, understanding consumer perceptions and behaviours is important for policy makers and companies but also for NGOs. A comparative perspective including different industrialized countries can provide particularly interesting insights, however, comprehensive comparative studies of young consumers are scarce. Building on various theories frequently used in consumer research, such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour, we conducted consumer interviews with GenZ members (age 16-24) in Japan and Germany as well as expert interviews. Subsequently, we performed a representative online survey of around 500 GenZ consumers in each of the two countries. In his presentation, Carsten Herbes will shed light on the similarities and differences in consumption behaviour between Japanese and German youth, focusing on the areas of food and clothing, where young people typically enjoy a high consumption autonomy. Moreover, he will look into influencing factors such as attitudes, norms, perceived opportunities, knowledge and trust, but also at engagement in the Fridays for Future movement.

Carsten Herbes is full professor at Nuertingen-Geislingen University (NGU) and heads the Institute for International Research on Sustainable Management and Renewable Energy (ISR). His research focuses on decision processes of consumers and companies on sustainable products and services. Besides general inquiries in this field, he focuses on renewable energy, packaging and gardening products. He has led numerous research projects funded by the German Ministries of Research, of Economics and of Agriculture. Carsten Herbes is a frequent speaker at international conferences and publishes his results, amongst others, in the Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Energy Research, and Social Science and Energy Policy. He is currently Scholar in Residence at the DIJ.

Dr. Markus Heckel
Senior Research Fellow
German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ)
Joichi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F, 7-1 Kioicho 
Chiyoda-ku, 102-0094 Tokyo

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