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June 10, 2022
[SSJ: 11861] New book--Digital Transformation and Japan's Political Economy
From: Mary Alice Haddad <mahaddad@wesleyan.edu>
Date: 2022/06/10
Dear All,
Apologies for crossposting.
I'm excited to announce that the Digital Transformation and Japan's Political Economy <https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/digital-transformation-and-japans-political-economy/282E0769CB887747A42369F4B78973C9> by Ulrike Schaede and Key Shimizu was published online today. It's the third book in the Politics and Society in East Asia <https://www.cambridge.org/core/what-we-publish/elements/politics-and-society-in-east-asia> series that Ben Read, Erin Chung and I co-edit out of Cambridge University Press.
The book is available for FREE download for two weeks only (until June 23), so I encourage you all to download it soon and recommend it to your libraries and colleagues.
Mary Alice
Mary Alice Haddad <https://mahaddad.faculty.wesleyan.edu/>
John E. Andrus Professor of Government
Director, Office for Faculty and Career Development
Professor of East Asian and Environmental Studies
Wesleyan University
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