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April 13, 2022
[SSJ: 11812] Spring issue of DIJ Newsletter published
From: Torsten Weber <weber@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2022/04/13
Dear colleagues,
we have just published the spring issue of our /DIJ Newsletter/ <https://www.dijtokyo.org/publication/dij-newsletter-67-spring-2022/> featuring updates on our research, publications, and events, including books on the future of the financial system; a new special issue of /Contemporary Japan/; announcement of a symposium on the future of liberalism in June; a new article in our Catchword series (/K//odomo Kateichō/); farewell to three staff members; Alumni news; job advertisements; new videos on our DIJ YouTube channel and much more.
We hope you will enjoy exploring this new edition of the /DIJ Newsletter/. If you haven't done so yet, you can subscribe to receive our Newsletters directly to your inbox. The full issue and subscription form are available here <https://dij.tokyo/newsletter>. (dij.tokyo/newsletter)
Best wishes,
Torsten Weber
DIJ Tokyo
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