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April 13, 2022
[SSJ: 11811] New Issue of Contemporary Japan 34(1) Available Online
From: Isaac Gagne <gagne@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2022/04/12
Dear All (with apologies for cross-posting),
We are pleased to announce that the newest issue of /Contemporary Japan/ is now available in print and online:
Volume 34 Issue 1 (Spring 2022)
This issue is a Special Issue on "Japan's Employment System and Human Resource Management - Coping with increasing adjustment pressures," featuring Guest Editor Parissa Haghirian. In addition to Haghirian's introductory overview of the various changes and challenges in Japan's contemporary employment system, the four research articles address the legal, social, economic and business implications of non-regular forms of employment, as well as some of the ways that firms are dealing with the increasing presence of women, senior workers, and foreigners in the workforce. In addition, our book review section includes a broad range of important publications in the fields of international relations, history, anthropology, media studies, literature, and religious studies.Please explore the articles through the links below.
Table of Contents:
*Message from the editor *
/Franz Waldenberger/
*Special Issue: **Japan's Employment System and Human Resource Management - Coping with increasing adjustment pressures*
"Introduction to the Special Issue"
/Parissa Haghirian/
https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2022.2031506 <https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2022.2031506>
"The deepening divide In Japanese employment: The increasing marginalization of contract workers as explained by path dependence, vested interests, and social psychology"
/Patricia (Tish) Robinson, Catherine Sibala , Kiyohiko Ito & Vicki L. Beyer/
"Working the shopping mall: Labour shortages and the dualities in Japan's labour economy"
/Hendrik Meyer-Ohle/
https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2022.2028226 <https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2022.2028226>
"Employment of senior workers in Japan"
/Philippe Debroux/
"Mutual learning between Japanese managers and foreign subordinates: Enablers for middle-up-down management under role definition flexibility at Japanese headquarters"
/Kenta Koyama/
*Book Reviews*
/The political history of modern Japan: Foreign relations and domestic politics/, by Kitaoka Shin'ichi, translated by Robert D. Eldridge with Graham Leonard//(JAPAN LIBRARY / Routledge 2018)//
/Jeremy Yellen/
/Kulturen der Katastrophenberichterstattung - Eine Interviewstudie zur Fukushima-Krise in deutschen und japanischen Medien (Cultures of catastrophe-coverage - an interview study of the Fukushima crisis in the German and Japanese media)/, by Florian Meißner (Springer 2019)
/Frank Rövekamp/
https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2020.1787682 <https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2020.1787682>
/Making meaningful lives: Tales from an aging Japan/,//by Iza Kavedžiji (University of Pennsylvania Press 2019)
/Nora Kottman/
/Christian sorcerers on trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka incident/, translated and with an introduction by Fumiko Miyazaki, Kate Wildman Nakai, and Mark Teeuwen (Columbia University Press 2020)//
/William Farge/
/Making Xavier's dream real: Vernacular writings of catholic missionaries in modern Japan/,
by Nanyan Guo//(JAPAN LIBRARY 2020)
/Simon Hull /
/The heavenly land and the land of the rising sun: Historical linkages, security cooperation and strategic partnership/, by Adarsha Verma (KW Publishers 2020)
/Astha Chadha/
/Disruptions of daily life: Japanese literary modernism in the world/, by Arthur M. Mitchell//(Cornell University Press 2020)
/Angela Yiu/
https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2021.1885118 <https://doi.org/10.1080/18692729.2021.1885118>
We also invite all interested scholars to submit their work to /Contemporary Japan/. We are a Scopus-indexed journal, and we feature rolling submissions, a double-blind peer-review process, advanced access (online first) publishing, and language support for non-native English speakers. We also continue to accept proposals for special issues. Instructions for submission can be found here:
http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=rcoj20&page=instructions <http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=rcoj20&page=instructions>
We hope that you are staying safe, healthy, and hopeful in these challenging times.
With best wishes,
Isaac Gagné
Managing Editor, /Contemporary Japan/
Franz Waldenberger
Editor-in-Chief, /Contemporary Japan/
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