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December 22, 2021
[SSJ: 11683] CfA: Digital Technologies in the Covid-19-Pandemic: A Transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan? (by 15. Jan 2021)
From: Susanne Brucksch <brucksch@dijtokyo.org>
Date: 2021/12/15
Dear colleagues,
please let me draw your attention to the following Call for Abstracts (CfA) by the Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany). The goal is to bring together 8 scholars from Japan and 8 from Germany reflecting on this topic in one of the mentioned countries
Warm greetings,
Susanne Brucksch
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Dr. Susanne Brucksch
DIJ Tokyo (German Institute for Japanese Studies)
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094, JAPAN
- Published 2021: Anthology on "Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts. Case Studies from Japan",
ed. with Kaori Sasaki, Palgrave Macmillan,https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-33-6280-2
- "Sustaining Healthcare in Japan's Regions: The Introduction of Telehealth Networks"(2020), in: R. Lützeler,
W. Manzenreiter, S. Polak-Rottmann (eds.): Japan's New Ruralities: Coping with Decline in the Periphery, Routledge.
- "Robotic Care Devices: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Pflegerobotik in Japan" (2020), in: J. Hergesell,
A. Maibaum, M. Meister (eds.): Genese und Folgen der Pflegerobotik, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
The Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany), is opening the Call for Abstracts for the international online conference "Digital Technologies in the Covid-19-Pandemic: A Transnational Dialogue between Germany and Japan?" (TechCo), which will take place from 14-18 March 2022.
The conference addresses 16 early-stage scholars (PhD Students/Postdocs) from Germany and Japan from different fields of science (such as social sciences, philosophy, computer sciences, medicine) and brings them into a culturally sensitive dialogue to shed light on the possibilities and limits of the social and ethical permissibility of digital technologies in the COVID-19-Pandemic.
Applicants are asked to submit an abstract in English (250-450 words), a short CV (as a single pdf), by the 15th of January 2022 (via e-mail to:techco-project@rub.de).
Accepted participants will give an oral presentation and prepare a manuscript for a peer-reviewed publication in a conference volume. An honorarium of 300 € (ca. 39,000 ¥) is provided for the submission of the manuscripts.
The conference language is English and will take place over Zoom.
Further information: techco-project.blogs.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Ruhr-University Bochum
Malakowturm - Markstr. 258a
44799 Bochum
Tel: ++49(0)234-32-28654
FAX: ++49(0)234-32-14205
Approved by ssjmod at 03:43 PM