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December 22, 2021
[SSJ: 11681] Doing IR Differently? Joint TIU-ICU IR online seminar, Dec 16
From: Giorgio Shani <gshani@icu.ac.jp>
Date: 2021/12/13
Dear colleagues,
I hope the following free online event may be of interest to you:
*Title: *Doing IR Differently: Relational Cosmologies around the world
*Date: *Thurs Dec 16, 2021
*Time:* 21:00-22:30 JST (12:00-13:30 UTC)
*Registration Link*: http://bit.ly/tiugd-s15
*Co-sponsors: *Tokyo International University; International Christian University (Social Science Research Institute)
*URL:* https://subsite.icu.ac.jp/ssri/seminar-1216-doing-international-relations-differently-relational-cosmologies-around-the-world.html
*Abstract:* Based on a forum in /International Studies Perspectives <https://academic.oup.com/isp/article-abstract/22/1/25/5897224?redirectedFrom=fulltext> /and a forthcoming special issue in /Review of International Studies/, <https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/abs/provincialising-international-relations-through-a-reading-of-dharma/76ECE2C5A21E3D7A446444F54CC9A043#article> this online panel addresses two challenges. First, what happens if we conceive of International Relations (IR) from a relational perspective by assuming relations as prior to the existence of entities. Second, it seeks to pluralize the sources of relational thinking in IR by showing how different cosmological traditions view relationality, suggesting the possibility of a pluriversal IR. Each participant will be asked to speak to the challenges above when answering the following question: how are they doing IR differently?
*Participants: *
Prof. Navnita Chadha Behera (University of Delhi, India)
Dr. Tamara Trownsell (independent researcher, USA)
Prof. Arlene Tickner (University of Rosario, Colombia)
Dr. Anahita Arian (University of Erfurt, Germany)
Prof. Amaya Querejazu (Aberystwyth, UK)
Prof. Milja Kurki (Aberystwyth, UK)
Dr. Jarrad Reddekop (Camosun, Canada)
Prof. Cy Shih (National Taiwan University)
Prof. Kosuke Shimizu (Ryukoku, Japan)
Prof. Martin Weber (University of Queensland, Australia)
*Chairs: *
Prof. Chris Lamont (Tokyo International University, Japan)
Prof. Giorgio Shani (International Christian University, Japan)
All welcome
Best wishes,
Professor Giorgio Shani <https://researchers.icu.ac.jp/icuhp/KgApp?kojinId=500677&Language=2>(PhD London)
Chair, RC43 Religion and Politics <http://rc43.ipsa.org/>, IPSA
Department of Politics and International Studies <https://www.icu.ac.jp/en/liberalarts/major/major11/index.html>,
International Christian University <https://www.icu.ac.jp/en/index.html>,
3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan
Recently Published (articles):
Provincialising IR through Dharma <https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/provincialising-international-relations-through-a-reading-of-dharma/76ECE2C5A21E3D7A446444F54CC9A043> (with Navnita Chadha Behera)
Rethinking Emancipation <https://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/Q35NBFIIXXUKWRDTVC7V/full> (with Hartmut Behr)
Towards a Hindu Rashtra: Hindutva, religion, and nationalism in India <https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/VCXKDEBJYISFAVPMSYJW/full?target=10.1080/09637494.2021.1947731>
IR as inter-cosmological relations? <https://rdcu.be/cpdNh>
Recently published (book):
/Sikh Nationalism/ <https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/sikh-nationalism/6FC3E8EDF359586B8F790610EF40F5FA> (with Gurharpal Singh)
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