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December 22, 2021

[SSJ: 11677] Active Pursuit of Pregnancy: Neoliberalism, Postfeminism and the Politics of Reproduction in Contemporary Japan (BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT)

From: Isabel Fassbender <isabelfassbender@gmail.com>
Date: 2021/12/20

Dear colleagues,

I am thrilled to announce the publication of my book */Active Pursuit of Pregnancy: Neoliberalism, Postfeminism and the Politics of Reproduction in Contemporary Japan/* by Brill in the Series The Intimate and the Public in Asian and Global Perspectives.

*_About the book_*:

What is /ninkatsu/? Who promotes and governs this "active pursuit of pregnancy?" Trying to answer these questions, this unprecedented publication exhibits how mass media, policymakers, and biomedical science-corporate capitalism govern the individual's reproductive choices in contemporary Japan through gendered discourses of self-improvement, life planning, and biomedical technology. Analyzing a broad range of media, popular science, and government material, it links historical and social processes with an original theoretical framework on self-governance, neoliberalism, and postfeminism. While deeply engaging with Japanese sources, this rich scholarship takes the study of reproductive politics beyond Japan. This book is not only of interest for Japanese studies scholars but more broadly also those curious about neoliberal government strategies, gender, and biomedical capitalism.

Find more information here:


If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly (isabelfassbender@gmail.com).

Best regards,

Isabel Fassbender

Isabel Fassbender, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of International Studies
Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts

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