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December 22, 2021

[SSJ: 11676] New Book: The Relationship People

From: Erika Alpert <erika.alpert@gmail.com>
Date: 2021/12/10

Dear colleagues,

I'm delighted to announce the publication of my book THE RELATIONSHIP PEOPLE: MEDIATING LOVE AND MARRIAGE IN TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY JAPAN. It's just out from Lexington Books and there's an ebook that you can conveniently preorder. If you'd like your own copy, please use the discount code LEX30AUTH21 which is good through the end of the month. You should receive a 30% discount.


Japan has often been portrayed as a mysterious, sexless, troubled land. Birth rates and marriage rates have been decreasing for decades, and national surveys show that Japanese people are simply having less sex overall. But Japan is not so different from anywhere else--it's simply on the leading edge of worldwide demographic shifts. Because of rigid norms around gender, marriage, childbearing, and work, and relatively strict immigration policies, Japan is also experiencing these shifts more acutely.

/The Relationship People/ examines the marriage industry and its clients in neoliberal Japan. It addresses what industry professionals are promoting to ease Japan's low rates of marriage and childbirth, what singles are actually doing, and whether focusing on introducing more singles to each other can effectively solve Japan's millennial woes.

More information can be found on the publisher's website:

All best,

Dr. Erika R. Alpert (she/they)
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
School of Sciences and Humanities
Nazarbayev University

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