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June 19, 2020

[SSJ: 11106] Re: July 3: (Online) ISS / Shaken PhD Workshop: Yosuke Buchmeier (Munich)

From: Kenneth McElwain <kenneth.mcelwain@gmail.com>
Date: 2020/06/16

Dear friends and colleagues,

Many apologies--regarding the Shaken/PhD Workshop on July 3 w/ Yosuke Buchmeier, I inadvertently misspelled the title of the presentation.
It should be "Shaping Public Discourse in Japan - The Construction of Reality on NHK Television News"

Other information regarding the workshop is as originally emailed (and appended below).

Best regards,

Kenneth McElwain

On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 5:37 PM Kenneth McElwain <kenneth.mcelwain@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear friends and colleagues,

With apologies for multiple postings across forums, I am writing to invite you to the next meeting of the PhD Kenkyuukai, hosted by the Institute of Social Science / University of Tokyo, from 12:20-13:50 on July 3rd (Friday).

The presenter will be Yosuke Buchmeier, a PhD candidate in Japan Studies at Munich University. (Currently a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo and the German Institute for Japanese Studies.)

Speaker: Yosuke Buchmeier
Title: "Shaping Public Discourse in Japan--The Constitution of Reality on NHK Television News"
Time: July 3 (Fri), 12:20-13:50

This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. You can access the workshop meeting room through the link below; it will be open from 10 minutes before the scheduled start of the seminar.

ミーティングID: 419 054 1528
パスワード: mcelwain

Despite its outstanding significance in Japan's media landscape and politics, there has not been any wider systematic analysis (in English language) of NHK news content since Ellis Krauss's extensive research in the 1980s and 1990s. Therefore this study aims at providing a contemporary analysis of NHK television news in an environment that has drastically changed from decades ago. Based on agenda-setting theory, this research project attempts to shed light on how Japan's public broadcaster portrays political and social reality and shapes the nation's public discourse and its issue agenda. Thereby the study deploys an integrative content analysis of NHK television news and explores the setting and framing of specific issues. Comprehending the agenda-setting on Japan's most influential media network is relevant for understanding the representation of politics and society, the formation of public discourse, and, as a consequence, the dynamics of media, politics and public opinion in Japan.

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