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June 4, 2020
[SSJ: 11094] Call for book chapter
From: Antonio Blat <anblat@gmail.com>
Date: 2020/06/02
Call for Book Chapters: 150 Years of Spain-Japan Relations
Interactions between Spain and Japan during the Contemporary Age are considered of scant interest. While intercourse during the Early modern period has received much attention, Spain and Japan deserve more attention since they signed a Treaty of Friendship in 1868, the year both countries initiated a new historical period, either changing the residence of the emperor or sending to exile the queen. Since Spain colonized the Philippines and Micronesia until 1898, there were many possibilities for all kind of contacts and even Madrid and Tokyo established the present frontier between Taiwan and the Philippines. After 1899, strong perceptions of both countries provoked a pattern of intense intercourse, especially during conflicts, especially when the Spanish War and the Sino-Japanese War were held simultaneously, ending with an attempt to declare war to Japan in 1945. Finally, in recent times, perceptions have combined with the increasing engagement of Spain with the EEC and later the UE in order to enhance relations.
The project of the book started as a consequence of the 150th Anniversary celebrations in 1018. A number of authors have already held a conference at Salamanca in 2019 and now, with this Call for Papers, we hope to improve the contributions and enlarge the number of authors and topics related to intercourse between Spain and Japan during the century and a half of contacts. Proposals can include both analyses of mutual intercourse and, of course, the involvement of third parties
Originals should have a maximum length of 8.000 words, including footnotes. APA standards.
Deadline: October 1st, 2020
Editors: Pilar Cabañas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Tosh Minohara (Kobe University), Florentino Rodao (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Pilar Cabañas: pcabanas@ghis.ucm.es
Tosh Minohara: drminohara@hotmail.com
Florentino Rodao: frodaoga@ucm.es
Antonio Blat: antonio.blat@uv.es
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