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June 4, 2020
[SSJ: 11095] [SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED] SEAA 2020 David Plath Media Award
From: Whitelaw, Gavin Hamilton <whitelaw@fas.harvard.edu>
Date: 2020/06/02
SEAA 2020 David Plath Media Award for Best Film/Video/Multimedia Work on East Asian Anthropology
DEADLINE: July 1, 2020
In recognition of challenges and disruption brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the submission deadline for the SEAA 2020 David Plath Media Award has been extended to July, 1, 2020.
The Society for East Asian Anthropology (SEAA) invites submissions for the David Plath Media Award. This biennial award - named in honor of David Plath, renowned Japan-scholar and producer of award-winning documentary films - recognizes the best work (film, video, audio, and/or multimedia/interactive media, such as websites) on any aspect of East Asian anthropology and/or East Asian anthropology's contribution to the broader field. The next David Plath Media Award will be presented in 2020 for material produced in 2018 or 2019. Submissions are welcome from any part of the world. The award carries a $300 prize. The winner will be contact in the fall.
Eligible submissions are those that contribute to the anthropology of East Asia. Projects may include research footage and documentation that adds to the historical and/or ethnographic record or further analysis; ethnographic media that contributes to theoretical development and debate; media designed to enhance teaching; and media produced for television broadcasting and other forms of mass communication. Nominations for the award may also be made by producers/authors, distributors, or interested third parties.
Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2020.
All submissions must be accompanied by an informational coversheet that includes:
applicant's name
institutional affiliation
contact information
title of work
date work produced/published
length of work (for film, podcast, etc.)
short 1-2 paragraph abstract describing the work
link to media (ex. Vimeo, Youtube -- if a password is required, please please be sure it is active through September 2020 to allow the award committee time to review the submission.)
The coversheet and abstract may be sent as a separate Word document or in the body of an email to the Gavin Whitelaw (whitelaw@fas.harvard.edu), SEAA 2020 David Plath Media Award Committee Chair. For more details about the award see: http://seaa.americananthro.org/awards/david-plath-media-award/
Best regards,
Gavin Whitelaw
Approved by ssjmod at 01:29 PM