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July 13, 2017

[SSJ: 9874] [Job Ad] Graduate research assistant recruitment -- please circulate

From: Ji-Hyun Ahn
Date: 2017/07/13

Hi everyone,

My name is Ji-Hyun Ahn, an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington Tacoma (USA). I am currently working on a research project, titled, Selling Aversion: Anti-Koreanism and Rise of New Nationalism in East Asia. I will be visiting Tokyo to conduct research in August and I am hoping to recruit TWO graduate research assistants who can assist my fieldwork research while I am in Japan.


1) Graduate students, either in M.A. or Ph.D. programs, with in-depth interview experiences (preferred) OR graduate students who have taken at least one qualitative research methods course

2) Graduate students who are broadly interested in Korean Wave and/or Asian media and cultural studies would be a great fit, but this is not required.

3) Good oral communication skill either in English or Korean (just to communicate with me).

Tasks include:

1) Contact/recruit interviewees under my guidance

2) Conduct interviews in Japanese under my guidance. (**For the interviewees who can speak Korean or English, I will conduct interviews.)

3) Collect relevant data and literatures in Japanese. 


· Hourly rate of 1000~1200Yen/hour will be applied depending on research assistants’ current degree status. (M.A. program or Ph.D. program).

· For more details or any inquiries, please directly contact me.


The tentative schedule is mid to late August, but it is flexible (e.g. could be in late August - early Sep.). Also, no meetings and tasks during national holidays (8/11-8/16). Please directly contact me for any inquiries.

Additional point to consider (or possible benefits):

· While this advertised position is for RAship during my visit to Tokyo this summer, the project itself is a year-long project, which means that extended long-term RAship is also available afterwards, depending on applicants’ qualification.

· If you’re broadly interested in the topic of nationalism/racism in Japan and would like to work collaboratively on this project, not as an RA but as a collaborative researcher (e.g. second author), please also directly contact me for any inquiries.

If you are interested in this position, please send me your CV with indication of previous research experiences and/or courses taken regarding qualitative research methods by no later than July 23 (Sun.) at jhahn01@uw.edu. All materials and inquiries can be written in English or Korean.

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

Ji-Hyun Ahn, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Global Media Studies
School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences | University of Washington Tacoma http://directory.tacoma.uw.edu/employee/jhahn01

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