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March 24, 2014
[SSJ: 8486] NCC's Research Access Guides 3rd Edition
From: Bestor, Victoria Lyon
Date: 2014/03/24
With apologies for cross posting:
NCC Publishes the 3rd Edition of it Research Access Guides In Commemoration of the 3rd Anniversary of Japan’s Triple Disasters of 2011
NCC (the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources) is pleased to announce publication on March 11, 2014 of:
The NCC’s Online Guide to Research Access in Japanese Museums, Libraries, and Archives, 3rd Edition (日本研究
のためのMLAアクセスガイド) containing detailed entries for an additional 50 institutions, bringing the total number of institutions profiled in the Research Access Guides to 150. In addition to the new profiles contained in the third edition, listings for major museums, libraries and archives contained in the first two editions have been updated and new content has been added.
To easily locate the 150 institutions contained in the Guide the site includes an interactive regional map, with cross-reference by subject and collection specialization, all found linked to the alpha list of institutions
Entries are presented in a uniform English-language format with links to an institution’s principal Japanese and English webpages; major collections and facilities each have individually linked pages with brief English summaries of key contents. Bilingual templates for letters of introduction and materials request forms are downloadable in an easily edited format, and a bilingual glossary is appended. Each Research Access Guide provides contact information, special policies and procedures of individual institutions, online maps, hours of operations, institutional holidays, and other programs of special interest to scholars and students from abroad. Find the Research Access Guides at:
Beginning in the summer of 2014 NCC will expand the Research Access Guides to include major Japanese museum, library and archive collections worldwide. The first edition of the North American Guide will be published in 2014 and the first European edition in 2015. Subsequent editions on Japanese collections in Asia and a Southern Hemisphere edition will be published thereafter.
The guides are published with a Creative Commons license with materials available on an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike basis. Visit the NCC’s homepage for a complete list of online services guides.nccjapan.org/homepage.
Please friend NCC on Facebook at
Victoria Lyon Bestor
Executive Director
Website: http://www.nccjapan.org/
Email: vbestor[at]nccjapan.net
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