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March 21, 2014

[SSJ: 8485] Conference on "Happiness in Japan"

From: Barbara Holthus
Date: 2014/03/21

Dear list-members,

we would like to invite you to the international conference on "Deciphering the Social DNA of Happiness:
Life Course Perspectives from Japan", organized by the Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies, in cooperation with the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo (DIJ).

Location: University of Vienna
Dates: April 24 -26, 2014.

For detailed information, program, conference booklet and registration, please see http://www.univie.ac.at/happiness-in-japan/

Participants include (in alphabetical order): E.
Ben-Ari, C. Bondy, M. Brinton, F. Coulmas, O.
Goldstein-Gidoni, R. Goodman, P. Holdgruen, C.
Hommerich, T. Ivry, S. Klien, P. Matanle, G. Mathews, Y. Moriki, M. Mullins, S. Oishi, H. Ono, J. Raymo, C.
Spoden, F. Taga, T. Tiefenbach, Y. Yamamoto.

In recent years, governments of several OECD countries including Japan have shown a heightened interest in gauging the happiness of their people. Previous research has shown that material and structural conditions as well as their subjective perception have an impact on the degree of happiness in and across populations. Many studies acknowledge cross-cultural variability, but the most prominent academic fields in happiness research, psychology and economics, are not fully capable of coming to terms with the dispositions and patterns of happiness in society. We propose that anthropology and sociology with their respective methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative, and heuristic assumptions are better equipped to explore the multidimensionality of happiness and well-being.
For the purpose of deciphering 'The Social DNA of Happiness in Japan', well-known Japan specialists will look at happiness and well-being with an eye to the shaping impacts of social institutions and socio-cultural values. By covering specific social groups, speakers will demonstrate how life stages and life events have a distinctive impact on states and expressions of well-being in contemporary Japan.

We would be delighted to seeing you in Vienna.

Barbara Holthus and Wolfram Manzenreiter (conference

For questions about the event, contact

Barbara G. Holthus, Ph.D.
University of Vienna, Department of East Asian Studies / Japanese Studies, AAKH Campus, Hof 2, Tuer 2.4, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien, Austria E-mail work: barbara.holthus@univie.ac.at E-mail private: barbaraholthus[at]gmail.com

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