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June 20, 2013
[SSJ: 8127] New faculty recruitment at Kyoto University
From: Andrea Yuri
Date: 2013/06/20
Please receive information about positions at a recently created department of Kyoto University. I thought this might interest the members of this list.
Many best wishes, Andrea Urushima
Subject: New faculty recruitment at Kyoto University
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 18:44:03 +0900
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am sending you a file about new faculty recruitment at Kyoto University. Could you please forward it to people from your network who might be interested. I think that GSAIS could be quite flexible in selecting the successful applicants so please encourage those people to apply even if they feel they don't fit completely in the application requirements. The PhD is a must though. The file can be also found on the following web site:
Thank you very much!
Kind regards,
Dimiter Ialnazov
Research Fellow, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University http://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
tel: +81 75 753 9619
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