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November 14, 2012

[SSJ: 7836] Announcement of Post Doc. possition in Stockholm

From: Marie Soderberg
Date: 2012/11/14

I would like to make the following announcement:

Post Doc Position in Stockholm
We would like to announce the opening of a Post Doc position at the European Institute of Japanese Studies at Stockholm School of Economics (http://www.hhs.se/EIJS/Pages/default.aspx ). This is a
1 year scholarship funded position. We are preferably looking for someone interested in the fields of International Business, Business and Management, Business and Strategy or Japan's Political Economy. Our working language is English but Japanese language capability is required. Please send CV as well as a short outline of research intentions to (NanHee.Lee@hhs.se). Deadline for application: 15 December 2012.


Marie Soderberg
European Institute of Japanese Studies
Stockholm School of Economics

Approved by ssjmod at 11:43 AM