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September 11, 2012

[SSJ: 7714] call for papers - Asian Capitalisms

From: Storz, Cornelia
Date: 2012/09/11

Call for papers
SASE – Network Q: Asian Capitalisms
SASE’s 24th Annual Meeting, Università Degli Studi di Milano, (June 27-29, 2013)


Cornelia Storz (Frankfurt University)
Sebastien Lechevalier (EHESS
Boy Lüthje (Frankfurt Institute of Social Research/East West Center) Tobias ten Brink (Max Planck Institute for the Study of

In the discussions in social sciences, especially among economists, and political scientists, on the diversity of capitalism, Asian capitalisms have been under-researched. Theories and concepts of comparative capitalism have still to be applied to Asia and tested within the specific institutional configurations of Asian countries. The very nature of capitalism, its internal diversity, and its patterns of institutional change are facets that are especially fascinating to analyze for Asia. More specifically, the apparent lack of coherence and immense heterogeneity of production, regulation and its related building up of institutions in the case of China; the different speeds of change in Japan and in Korea, despite seemingly similar institutional arrangements; the specific institutional structures of city states as in Hong Kong and Singapore; the rapid integration of different models and levels of economic development within the “China Circle”, particularly between the Peoples’ Republic of.
China and Taiwan; and the idiosyncratic specialization of industry in India, based on textiles, Information Technology and people based services such as call centers; all these need a fundamental re-analysis of the comparative advantages of their institutions, and of their various modes of growth under capitalism.

The network will focus on five areas: (a) De- or Re-industrialisation? (b) Innovation, Human Resource Management and Knowledge Creation (c) Beyond Market or State? (d) The future of Asian Capitalism, and (e) Welfare, Inequalities, and Institutional Change. We are also planning to have a section for PhD candidates and an additional special section for papers that do not fit into one of the above categories, but are nonetheless interesting contributions. The submission of panels is welcome. The basic idea of this first area network within SASE is to make Asia a central field of investigation for theories of institutional change and the diversity of capitalism. In doing so, we expect to promote a fruitful dialogue between specialists on Asia on the one hand, and specialists on comparative capitalism, including those working on other regions, on the other hand. We welcome papers focusing on Asian capitalisms and papers adopting a comparative perspective on other capitalistic societies.

How to apply: www.sase.org (Please note that you do not have to be a member to submit a proposal. However, you do need to create a login). Deadline for applications:
Dec 15th 2012 for abstracts, June 1st for completed papers. For further information, please contact Cornelia Storz (storz[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de)

This network is supported by Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS (http://ffj.ehess.fr/), which will fund the award for the best paper and the travel grants. The network will award a prize for the best paper on Asian capitalisms (amount: Euro 1000). To have your paper considered for the prize, please send it by May 15th
2012 to sebastien.lechevalier[at]ehess. Information regarding the prize committee and the rules of the prize will be available on the FFJ and SASE websites.

Dr. Cornelia Storz
Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Goethe-University Grüneburgplatz 1 (RuW-Gebäude R. 4241)
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49-69-798-34811 / -34809

Research Policy Special Issue (co-editor) "Path dependent dynamics of emergence and evolution of new industries", http://www.journals.elsevier.com/research-policy
Socio Economic Review Special Issue "Asian Capitalisms"
(co-editor), http://ser.oxfordjournals.org SASE Network Q "Asian Capitalisms" (co-organizer), http://www.sase.org

Recent books:
Institutional Diversity and Innovation - Continuing and Emerging Patterns in Japan and China (co-authored with Sebastian Schäfer, with a guest contribution of Markus Conlé and a preface of Richard Whitley), Routledge 2011

Institutional Variety in East Asia. Formal and informal patterns of coordination (co-edited with Markus Taube, Werner Pascha), Edward Elgar 2011.

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