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September 11, 2012
[SSJ: 7713] conferences call for papers
From: Nakamura Jin
Date: 2012/09/11
Dear members of the SSJ mailing list,
I would like to draw your attention to the Call for paper of the Participatory and Popular Culture 2013 Winter Conference.
Lecturer of The University of Tokyo
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
Call for Paper: Participatory and Popular Culture 2013 Winter Conference(PPC 2013 Winter)
30th January to 4th Febuary, 2013
Venue: Caeser Park Hotel Taipei, Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
In recent years, the boundary between supplier and consumer is becoming blurred. Many popular culture products are not only being consumed but also creating a new participatory culture. There are various distinctive examples, such as wearing costume for a party or an event or writing reviews about anime, games, comics and novels on the SNSs, review pages or video-sharing websites. The purpose of this conference is to discuss these situations from interdisciplinary viewpoints.
Topic of conference include, but not limited to:
.Anime Game Comic and Novel Culture
.Exhibition and Event Culture
.Fashion, Style & Popular Culture
.Music, live and concert Culture
.Trading Card Game Industry Research
.Video-sharing site, Film and TV Culture .Public Diplomacy and Popular Culture .Cultural Tourism (ex.
Submission of Abstract 15 October
Notification of Acceptance 15 November
Registration Deadline 15 December
Proposal submission guidelines
Abstracts of no more than 200 words in English for presentations should be sent to ppc2013.conference[at]gmail.com alongside a CV(include name, current position and academic affiliation or graduate school) with "PPC2013winter proposal (NAME OF APPLICANT, TITLE OF PROPOSAL)"
in the subject line.
Registration fee(By 15 December 2012)
Authers 150USD
Observers 2,000NTD(Obserbers is attendees who do not
present) Standard Payment of registration fees is accepted by credit card.
Other Important Notice
.English will be the official language of conference, while oral presentations in Chinese and Japanese will be accepted for designated bilingual sessions.
.All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and successful applicants will be notified about acceptance of their papers.
.Proposal of panels(3-4 presenters) are welcome
Conference Officials
Jin NAKAMURA(The Univ. of Tokyo)
Masahiro OKADA (Hiroshima Univ.)
Cooperation with
Bunka Fashion Reserch Institute, Bunka Gakuen University, JAPAN
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