« [SSJ: 7681] Re: How does rational choice theory explain Noda? | Main | [SSJ: 7683] Re: How does rational choice theory explain Noda? »
August 28, 2012
[SSJ: 7682] Re: How does rational choice theory explain Noda?
From: Ron Dore
Date: 2012/08/28
Perhaps Prof Hiwatari is so impressed by the way in which rational choice theorists have illuminated the complexity of Congressional law-making is because, a few statesman like George Mitchell apart, 95% of the participant politicians really are individualists for whom enhancing their own wealth, power and status provides 90% of their motivation. You get a less perfect fit of model to observed reality out of such simple assumptions about politicians' motivations in more communitarian societies like Japan or Italy.
Ronald Dore
Approved by ssjmod at 11:01 AM