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June 5, 2012

[SSJ: 7503] Amendment: "Asia Pacific: Political Development and Security Issues" Workshop on 11 June 2012

From: Chan Yim Ting (JAS)
Date: 2012/06/05

Subject: Amendment: "Asia Pacific: Political Development and Security Issues" Workshop on 11 June

Dear all,

You are cordially invited to our "Asia Pacific:
Political Development and Security Issues" Workshop co-organized by The Department of Japanese Studies and Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Here is the information (please refer to amendment in red text

Date: 11 June, 2012 (Monday)
Time: 13:30-18:15
Venue: Lee Shau Kee Building Room 212, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Speakers from Tamkang University, Taiwan:
1. Prof. Wong, Ming-Hsien, Director of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies. Title: “The Impact of The US Strategic Pivot on Asia-pacific Security: Taiwan's Alternative”
2. Prof. Lin Juo-yu, Director of the Graduate Institute of Asian Studies. Title: “Economic Integration and Competitions between Asia-Pacific and East Asia:Two
Case Studies of TPP and EAS”
3. Dr. Hsiung, Sie Chie, PhD Candidate of the Graduate Institute of the Americas; Assistant Editor of Tamkang Journal of International Affairs. Title: “Democracy Promotion of United States: From Bush to Obama Administration”
4. Prof. Lin, Chin-Ming, Assistant Professor of the Graduate Institute of Asian Studies. Title: “On East Asian Regional Integration from the Perspective of Economic Security”
5. Prof. Tai Wan-chin, Dean of College of International Studies. Title: “The New Phase of Tandem in Russia:
Challenges Facing Putin and His Initial Response”

Speakers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong:
1. Prof. Lim, Tai Wei, Assistant Professor of Department of Japanese Studies. Title: “A Historical Overview of the JUICE (Japan, US, India, China) Energy Entities in the International System”
2. Prof. Xu Yuan, Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and Resource Management. Title: “China’s Pollution Mitigation and Asia Pacific’s Environmental Security”
3. Prof. Kitamura Takanori, Former Japanese Ambassador to Greece, current special appointment at HKIAPS.
Title: “Regionalism as a Norm of Stability”
4. Prof. Tim Summers, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Centre for East Asian Studies. Title: “Regionalism in East Asia: Perspectives from China's Provinces”
5. Prof. Stephen R Nagy, Assistant Professor of Department of Japanese Studies. Title: “Human Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Japanese Human Security Norms as a Platform for Regionalism”

For the event poster, you may refer to our homepage:

Please register before 7 June, 2012 (Thursday) by email to Prof. Stephen R. Nagy (nagystephen[at]cuhk.edu.hk)
(Subject: Registration for June 11 "Asia Pacific:
Political Development and Security Issues" Workshop).

Thank you very much for your attention.

Stephen R. NAGY
Assistant Professor
Department of Japanese Studies, CUHK

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