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March 22, 2012

[SSJ: 7300] Oxford post doc post

From: Ian Neary
Date: 2012/03/22

Dear SSJ Forum members

I would like to inform you about two fixed term posts that we are hoping to fill to start 1 October 2012.

I attach the brief description of the posts below:

Post-doctoral fellowships in the Nissan Institute, Oxford University.

We are looking for two post-doctoral research officers to fill fixed term contracts (24 months starting 1 October 2012) at an annual salary of between £29,249-35,938. We have a preference for one of them to be working in the field of the international relations of Japan but the other could be in any topic in modern or contemporary Japanese studies.

For full job description and selection criteria please
e-mail: vacancies@area.ox.ac.uk

Or contact Mark Rebick, director of the Nissan Institute, or Ian Neary, head of the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies.

The closing date for applications is 20 April 2012

Best wishes
Ian Neary
Head, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies
12 Bevington Rd

Tel: 01865 274573

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