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March 9, 2012
[SSJ: 7266] Osaka University urgently seeks visiting professor(s)
From: Scott North
Date: 2012/03/09
On behalf of the G30 Programs at Osaka University, I am forwarding the follow job announcement. Please feel free to forward it to suitable candidates. Reply to the programme's Associate Director, Beverly Yamamoto, at the address below.
Graduate School of Human Sciences
Osaka University
Seeking Visiting Professor(s) in Japanese Studies field for our G30 All-English Human Sciences Programme http://g30.hus.osaka-u.ac.jp/ Spring Semester, 2012
Japan in the World Monday second period (10:30-12:00), Toyonaka Campus This course provides an overview of the historical and contemporary developments in Japan’s international relations.
1st year elective course for small class of G30 All-English Human Sciences Programme
Japanese History Thursday fourth period 14:40-16:10, Toyonaka Campus This course provides a general overview of Japan's history, from the earliest times to the end of the twentieth century.
1st year required course for small class of G30 All-English Human Sciences Programme
Please send CV and covering letter to our English Programmes Office by March 15th.
We will also be looking for a fulltime specially appointed assistant professor to cover these courses, among others, to start in September 2012 and notice about this will follow shortly.
Beverley Anne Yamamoto (PhD)
Associate Professor
Dept. of Advanced Human Sciences/ Dept. of Education Graduate School of Human Sciences 
Associate Director of G30 Human Sciences Program G30 English Programs Office School of Human Sciences Osaka University
Tel: 81+ (0)6-6879-4035
Fax:81+ (0)6-6879-4035
Approved by ssjmod at 11:07 AM