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January 24, 2012
[SSJ: 7111] SSJJ 15.1 (Winter 2012) is now online
From: Tom Blackwood
Date: 2012/01/24
Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to announce that the new issue of Social Science Japan Journal (SSJJ) is now available online at http://ssjj.oxfordjournals.org/content/15/1.toc?etoc ; hard copies should reach subscribers shortly.
I have appended the Table of Contents of the articles below. As always, Issue 15.1 also has an extensive book review section, including a number of reviews of Japanese-language monographs.
PDF files of individual articles are available to users at universities or registered domains with online subscription access (in some cases, you may need to check with your university’s library about authorization procedures for accessing online journals).
Without further ado, here are the contents of issue 15.1:
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