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October 18, 2011
[SSJ: 6911] NCC Multi-Volume Sets Grants Prescreening Deadline 11/1/11
From: Vickey Bestor
Date: 2011/10/18
Dear Colleagues:
With apologies for cross-postings.
This is a reminder that the pre-screening deadline for Multi-Volume Sets Grants is November 1st.
Pre-screening is easy, check it out on NCC's redesigned Webpage at
Prior to submission of the pre-screening application, please read the guideline carefully:
For the second year NCC is happy to offer MVS grants for small collections (those with under $10,000 in Japanese acquisitions funding). Small collections may receive MVS funding with only a 20% cost share. Learn all about MVS applications at http://guides.nccjapan.org/mvs
Please also check out the newly updated MVS Database of all past MVS-funded titles. All 42,000 items contained in the MVS Collection circulate freely via ILL.
Request MVS materials directly from the Database at
Approved by ssjmod at 01:36 PM