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September 6, 2011

[SSJ: 6841] New Moderating Team

From: SSJ-Forum Moderator
Date: 2011/09/06

We are writing to inform you that, as of September 1, the responsibilities of moderating the SSJ-Forum have changed hands. The new Moderator, in charge of day-to-day operations, is Akira Motegi, Research Fellow at ISS.
Kenji Hirashima, Professor of the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, stays as The List Manager.

We hope that this change will in no way disrupt the ongoing exchange of valuable information and the fruitful discussion among the subscribers of this forum, that was carefully facilitated by the previous moderating team. Dr. Satsuki Takahashi has completed her term as moderator, and has now reentered a normal e-mailing life.

Thank you for your continued support and use of the SSJ-Forum.

Best Regards,

Kenji Hirashima, List Manager
Akira Motegi, SSJ-Forum Moderator

Approved by ssjmod at 06:54 PM